Friday, February 26, 2010
A Close~Up
Well, believe me!! This guy was toooooooooooo close for comfort :o) The other day just a few yards away from the main door that goes into the Administration Office was this lovely creature. I can't say little as it was pretty big!! Dennis started walking toward it and it was flopping it's tail back and forth. You can see that somewhere along the way he lost part of it's tail! Why it ever decided to go here is beyond me!

A Very Angry Sea
This week the Sea has really been rough! Not sure what's going on, but the people here say it's angry!! These pictures are sort of mild compared to what it was like yesterday and last night!! We drove to George Town last evening to see it. By the time we got there it was a "little more" calmed down than earlier in the day. Remember when I posted the pictures of the cruise ships a few weeks ago? We were at the Burger King parking lot that day and yesterday the waves were splashing up OVER the drive thru sign. At some places the waves were splashing out on the street yet last night!! It was really, really rough. Today it was not near as billowing!!

A Weekly/Bi-Weekly Job
Dennis uses a power washer to wash down our front porch & screened in porch. The lizards make their way to the ceiling of the front porch every evening it seems. Once they are there they mark their territory, so he has to scrub it down or it becomes a horrendous mess!
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Saturday, February 20, 2010
A Trip Around The Island
Dennis had told me that he was taking me on a trip around the Island on Thursday as there was no school because of Mid~Winter break. So, he asked three of the teachers to go with us. We had a great time!! We left our house around 10 am and were back by mid afternoon. That included time spent sitting in Wendy's after eating lunch and making a stop at the grocery store. The Island is only 76 square miles so it doesn't take long to make the journey :o)
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Another teacher had told us that he was going to Rum Point on Thursday. Now I know why he was going there. What a beautiful, beautiful place. I know I keep saying that but I just can't help it!!
After we found a parking place we were making our way toward the water when I looked down and saw these little things on the ground. Our friends said they were almonds. Here's Miss Samms cracking on open for us to eat. They were very tasty and I wanted to pick them all up to bring home to eat ~ but I didn't!!
Miss Blake & Miss Maisey watching
Our first view of the Sea at Rum Point
Blow Hole
When Dennis told one of the teachers that we were going around the Island he mentioned that we should stop at Blow Hole and that there was a very small sign. He was right ~ small and on the opposite side of the road :o) When we got out of our van a man walked across the road from this little roadside stand. He asked where we were from and our names.
Then he gave us a little history lesson about Blow Hole. It was very interesting as he was telling us how the water comes ashore and washes up under the coral and sprays up through a hole in it. It was really neat to see!! He said sometimes when the waves are really rough and high the spray will go 35 feet in the air!!
I captured some really good pictures, I think!
Close~Up Of Some Cruise Ships
On Tuesday, after Sports Day at the school, Dennis & I drove downtown George Town. We parked at Burger King where Dennis went in a got each of us a delicious milk shake. Since the Burger King is right at the water and where the ships were docked that's where I was :o) Again, if you don't know it yet I'm just sooooooooooo fascinated with them. I got some really good pictures. Click on them to see close~up's!
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This was hilarious to me! Here I was standing on land and you could see the BIG screen on the top deck. Click to see it!! This is the Carnival Valor Ship.
And this is the Island Princess. It was one of the biggest ships I've seen. The workers in Burger King told Dennis that there's one bigger than this one that only comes into port a very few times. I hope I get to see if, because if I do guess who will be going downtown to get pictures?:o)

A Sad Farewell
Well, Wednesday was a day that Dennis and I both were dreading very much! You see, our good friends, John & Betty, who Pastored this Church here at West Bay, Grand Cayman for 17 previous years had come back in November. They filled in until we arrived mid January and then taught us many, many ropes that we so much needed to know. Betty spent two weeks with me in the school office teaching me so many things that when I think back on that time it sort of overwhelms me and boggles my mind!! John took Dennis around to visit the numerous shut~in's and seniors from the Congregation and to the hospital. Then he explained so many, many things to him! Being we're in a different country we needed to know their traditions and how the native people of the Islands do things. We could not have picked anyone to help us through this major move and transition any better than who God chose for us!! He always does the best. Like I said, Dennis and I were not looking forward to February 17th as you see, that was the day our new found friends went back to the States. We went to the airport because we had all of their luggage in our van. Dennis parked out front so we couldn't stay long at all ~ just long enough to say our dreaded farewells!! John told us in an email that Betty cried when the plane lifted off and he was teary eyed as well. After all, they gave their lives to this work here and to the people. They are so dedicated to what they do, so I understand why it was hard for them to leave again!! We want to wish them nothing but the very, very best! Their family is going through a lot right now, so if you think of them please, please pray for them. I hope that they get so homesick for Cayman and the people of the Church that they return before too long! We love you, John and Betty! May God richly bless you and repay you for all the kindnesses that you showed to Dennis & I!!
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Betty was prepared for cold Indiana with all the snow! She was wearing a sweatshirt with a leather coat draped over her arm!!
Below are two peas in a pod!! You talk about joksters!! That's them right here!! Betty & I said we always worked in our office while down the hall you'd hear laughter out of these two. You never know what John will say :o))

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