Saturday, April 7, 2012

Spotts Beach

On Saturday, the day before they left, we were driving around the Island and I wanted to stop at Spotts Beach.  Dennis had performed marriage renewal vows here several months ago and it's very pretty here.
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Vi was trying to darken her glasses by holding them up to the sun :o)
Still trying
Mike out on the dock
Vi watching the beautiful water.  She waded out just a little too far and one time a big wave came in a soaked her.  It was funny!
Check out the root system of this tree.  Really interesting!!
Heading back to the car
There's a little parking lot up by the road and there's also a cemetery there.  I don't remember seeing any tomb stones like these before.  They almost resemble a little house.  You can tell they are really old!

Some colorful wild flowers that were growing between the rocks.  They were very pretty!!


Vi said...

It felt good getting wet. The water is warm.

Dorcas said...

It's just too bad that we didn't have enough of time to actually go swimming!! That was a bummer!!