Monday, April 30, 2012

A Big Surprise

Well, finally I've got my pictures all downloaded here on blogger and all of my posts completed after being back to Grand Cayman for over a week!  Dennis and I both were very sick while up in the States and even after we came home.  That's the reason this has taken longer and I wanted to put them all on here in order!  Oh, how nice it was to see our family and GRAND~kids!!  We don't see them often enough with being so far from them.
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The first morning of our trip up north we awoke to a light snowfall in West Virginia!!  What a greeting for us who live in the Caribbean :o)
A little later in the morning I looked out one of the windows and saw a hen turkey walking around in the yard!!
Wandering around the yard

Heading back to the woods!


Vi said...

GREAT PICS, GRAMMY!!!. The little guys are growing up too fast! So glad it snowed just for you!!!! Thanks for posting. Hope you're all better now!

Dorcas said...

Yes, the boys are really growing!! Not seeing them very often now we can really notice it. Sort of makes me sad :o( Haha about the snow ~ just for us!! You are soooooo thoughtful, Sis. We're on the road to recovery and it's been long and drug out!! Hopefully seeing daylight at the end of the long, long tunnel!!
Love you!!