Saturday, February 25, 2012


Here the older students were lining up to throw the Shot~Put
Ashley in motion 
We learned one thing during this event!!  That it is very dangerous when the person throwing doesn't look around before doing so.  I was on the other side of the track probably about 10 ~ 15 yards away doing something else and not even paying attention to the Shot~Put event.  All of a sudden, I heard some people hollering and I turned around and said, "What was that thud?!"  It didn't take long to tell what happened.  One of the students had thrown the Shot~Put ball and hit a parent who was there helping in the event around the right hip area.  Immediately he fell to the ground in pain!  I felt so sorry for him.  Another parent ran and got a bag of ice to put on it.  Later, the same parent was applying something else to it and bandaged it.  I saw a huge bruise.  It was awful!!

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