Monday, February 27, 2012

So Happy and Thankful For Skype

Although sometimes it isn't always the clearest, I love that we are able to see our Grand~Kiddo's!!  Sometimes Caden will run up to the camera and say, "Look, Grammy!" and sticks his thumb in his mouth :o)  What a tease!!
Then Brett was telling us that Jordan started jumping off the sofa.  So, both of the boys were doing it for us.  I don't think Jordan is afraid of anything! 
Brett usually pulls a chair right up to the computer/camera for Jordan.  Most of the time he gets into and does things to the computer that he shouldn't be doing.  Once and a while, he even knocks us off line :o)  We just call each other back.  He's a little hoot!! 
Since our good friend, Amit, left Cayman we are so happy to be able to talk to him by way of Skype, too.  Dennis & he are best buds!!  I seem to get to talk to him more than Dennis as sometimes when he calls Dennis isn't home.  He was showing us some pictures.  This one was from Valentine's Day when some secret admires gave him bottles of CRUSH soda/pop with heart shaped notes!! haha!! 
He says he loves Miss Dorcas' pumpkin roll and that I'm okay!  Forget about loving me ~ just my pumpkin roll.  What a guy!!  Oh, how we miss him. 
He's so special to us and when we go to the States we're hoping that we'll be able to spend some time with him!! 
We love & miss you Amit!!
You may be gone from Cayman, but you'll always be in our hearts!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Getting Ready

On Monday & Tuesday, February 20 & 21, were our Sports Day's.  When I was in school in PA they called Field Day where all the students participated in a big variety of sports.  I took lots and lots of pictures.  Many of them aren't going to be posted as it takes way too long to download all of them on to blogger.  I hope you can take the time to look at all the posts from our Sports day and enjoy them!
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Here Dennis, Aaron & Mr. Profitt are making some last minute decisions.


There were many different types of races on Monday

These three girls were the only one's in this particular race.  They are in high school together and very good friends.  So, to avoid placing 1st, 2nd &3rd places, they ran the race together and crossed the finish line holding hands so they could all place first place :o)

Softball Throw

Sandrene taking her turn to see how far she can throw the softball

Frisbee Toss

Angelisa gracefully demonstrating the frisbee toss

The Grandstand

A view of one of the grandstands half way across the track


Dennis patiently waiting for the racers

The Long Jump

I captured two of my little friends doing the long jump.
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Soccer Ball Kick


Here the older students were lining up to throw the Shot~Put
Ashley in motion 
We learned one thing during this event!!  That it is very dangerous when the person throwing doesn't look around before doing so.  I was on the other side of the track probably about 10 ~ 15 yards away doing something else and not even paying attention to the Shot~Put event.  All of a sudden, I heard some people hollering and I turned around and said, "What was that thud?!"  It didn't take long to tell what happened.  One of the students had thrown the Shot~Put ball and hit a parent who was there helping in the event around the right hip area.  Immediately he fell to the ground in pain!  I felt so sorry for him.  Another parent ran and got a bag of ice to put on it.  Later, the same parent was applying something else to it and bandaged it.  I saw a huge bruise.  It was awful!!

Parent/Staff Race

First the mother's/female staff raced

Then the father's/male staff

It was so fun watching them compete!!  They did an awesome job!!

Relay Races

Here the different age groups were lining up for the relay races.

Fun Pictures On Monday Of Sports Day

Throughout the day I snapped a lot of pictures of different people.
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Miss Blake & Miss Maisy
Mr. Profitt
Dennis with the three Muskateer's
Left to right : Paris, Britney & Shaye
These three stuck to us like glue Monday & Tuesday :o) 
Sweet lil' Jennikela 
Miss Blake, Miss Maisy & Miss Samms 
Taejah~Rae and Mariah
Miss Samms

At the End of A Long Day

At the end of the day, there were a lot of weary bodies :o)  Dennis had all the students go out on the track to dismiss them.  We have two large vans and a bus plus several of the parents were picking up their kids, so he was giving them instructions here.

Tuesday's Sports Day

On Monday when we were at the Track for our first of the two Sports Day's, the kindergarten and first graders were not there.  So, on Tuesday when we had our second fun day of sports they were there and involved.  Here they were having their races.

Kick Ball

Kick ball here is a big thing!!  The kids really love playing it!
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Here Ali takes her turn kicking
Mr. Profitt & Mr. Stroup trying to get the Gladiator team in their line~up for kicking
Our little friend, Britney, kicked the ball and then . . . . .
by the time she got to first base she was out :o(
The Warrior's team out in the field
Floriana kicks 

Sack Races

The kids really enjoyed this race!!