Sunday, October 10, 2010

Company Arriving

If you've been wondering why I haven't posted anything for over a week it's because I've been very, very busy to say the least!  On October 1st, my next to the oldest sister, Vi, oldest brother, Jim, his wife, Cheryl, and their son, Mike, flew in from Pennsylvania.  They spent eight days here with us and for the most part each day was pretty much jam packed with some kind of activity.  I took hundreds of pictures during this time, but won't post all of them.  I will try to put on a lot of them to share with my family.  So, if you aren't family and get bored by theses posts just come back later :o)  I was trying to start with the last day and work to the beginning so it would be in sequence from the beginning to the end of their stay, but blogger won't let me do that for some reason so it will be backwards.
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 Here they come out of the airport!!  The man on the right pushing the luggage is from our Church.  He often goes to the airport when someone comes to visit to help get our guests through Customs as he retired from there a few years ago.  What a happy time it was when my family arrived!!

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