Sunday, January 31, 2010

"Aunt Julia"

This past Monday, this dear saint affectionately known to so many here as Miss/Aunt Julia, celebrated her 101st birthday. She is a member of our Church and attends whenever possible!! She is quite spry for her age and gets around so good. Might I add that her mind is amazing and maybe better than mind :o) On Friday night, the locals had a Gospel Concert here at our Church. The Blackwood Brothers and the Chuck Wagon Gang were asked to come, but for some unforeseen reason it didn't work out. So, they decided to go ahead with the concert and several locals performed instead to celebrate the long life of "Aunt Julia". She is simply just amazing!! Someone told me that she plays her drum, the washboard and spoons. I said I wish she would play them at the concert. Soon after the concert started I heard this little beat of her drum!! It brought tears to my eyes to see her playing it. I was going to take my camera but didn't think I would use it. Was I ever mistaken!!!! I kept saying to Dennis about running to the house to get it but again didn't! The concert went for about 2 hours. Near the end they took a chair up to the front of the Sanctuary and helped Aunt Julia up to it. She sat down with her drum and a niece or great niece was at the piano to accompany her while she sang. Once she started singing she didn't want to stop! It was so cute!! Well, I was so happy when this morning her niece (great niece) brought her out to the service! So, after Church I saw Dennis talking to her and I went over to say "hi". Dennis introduced me to her. What an honor to shake her hand. The three of us talked for a little then I asked her if I could take her picture. Here she is in all of her radiant beauty with Dennis. After I took the picture she looked at me and said, "Now don't get jealous!" I got so tickled and we all laughed and laughed!! I just had to share about "Aunt Julia"! Unfortunately, she blinked when I snapped the picture but it still turned out good!!


Vi said...

Aunt Julia doesn't look a day over 80.

Dorcas said...

She's one of those people that once you've met her your life is much richer!!

Dorcas said...

She's so sweet!!