Friday, January 29, 2010

Look What I Found Today

A big coconut! I was walking to the cafeteria and looked over at a big, tall palm tree. I had noticed there were lots of coconuts hanging up at the top of the tree for some time! Well, this morning I was so excited when I saw one had fallen. I didn't take the time to walk over to get it, so this afternoon when I was walking to one of the class rooms I saw it laying by the sidewalk. Apparently the children saw it when they were out for recess and were kicking it around. I was talking to a native Caymanian about it and she said it is too ripe to eat the coconut meat. What they would do with this is break it open with a machete, take out the coconut meat and squeeze it to get the juice out of it and then use that to make a cake. Too much work :o))


Vi said...

Be careful not to park your car under that tree. LOL!!!!

Dorcas said...

You've got that right ~ unless you'd like a nice big dent in your car!!