Saturday, May 25, 2013

Our Easter Egg Hunt

I know Easter is way past, but I'm trying to savor the memories with our dear, sweet Grand~son's!
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We weren't with the boys on Easter . . . . .
so we had our . . . . .
Easter Egg Hunt . . . . .
a little later with them!
I'm not sure who had the most fun . . . . .
the boys . . . . .
or Pappy and Grammy watching from the sidelines :o)
I love Caden's expression!!
It was a very exciting time!!
Pappy with his favorite Little Men!!
We were going to have another Egg Hunt, but some situations didn't allow it.  Oh, what memories!!  We love you Caden and Jordan as you guys are the very, very best!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like the had fun, too!

Dorcas said...

Yes, they had lots of fun finding the eggs.
Love you!!

Vi said...

They look so EGG-cited!

Dorcas said...

Vi, Vi, Vi.....
You are waayyy tooooo much!! And yes, they were very EGG-cited :o)

Jimm said...

Cute! The boys looked eggspecially eggcitted at this Easter Egg Hunt. So did Pappy!! Can only imagine how eggcited Grammy was!

Dorcas said...

I love your "egggggg" words :o) Yes, we all were excited!! Sure do miss them.