Thursday, May 30, 2013

Going To "Our" River

The Tygart Valley River is right across a field from our house.
So, when you have two little boys who like to fish . . . . .
you walk across the field, through the woods and finally arrive :o)  Look at that big smile!!
It's not such a good place . . . . .
to take them fishing as there's so much brush along the river bank, but they sure tried!
Brett taking Karissa to the river


Anonymous said...

Over the river and through the woods.....I am jealous...would LOVE to fish there....Sure looks the kids, and Brett sure had fun....And Gpa!!
Love you!

Dorcas said...

Yes, they love to go fishing! Caden is really good at it, too. I'm sure Jordan will be as well as he gets older. When they lived in Florida, Brett took him fishing all the time when he was off work. Now in NM they have to go pretty far to find a good place, but in WV they have plenty of good fishing! They get it honestly :o)