Friday, March 29, 2013

My Special Birthday Breakfast!!

Being today was my birthday it was a great day!  Busy, but good!!  When I realized that my birthday was on a day off from work I decided that I wanted to invite several (or many) of my good friends over for breakfast at 9:00 am.  I knew it would mean a lot of work, but it paid off!  There ended up being 16 came to share with me.  I didn't tell them it was my birthday, but some knew it.  We had a great time together.  Here are four different pictures from our time together!

I knew it was going to happen and it did.  I totally forgot to take a picture of all the food.  Let's see if I can remember what all we had.  There was:
a double batch of my breakfast casserole
sausage gravy
pancake muffins w/syrup
blueberry muffins
scrambled eggs
sugar cookies
snickerdoodle cookies
my cheesecake recipe that I made into cupcakes w/cherry topping
orange juice
grape juice
pineapple juice
I'm sure there's something missing from the list :o)  We all had a great time.  It got a little loud a few times with all these ladies!!  Haha!!  Dennis was the only guy.  He was a big help to me and the ladies enjoyed his company.  Good Friday here in Grand Cayman is a very Holy holiday.  Majority of the businesses here close for the day!  At 12 noon we had our Good Friday Service at Church.  We had a really good turnout.  Then at 2:00 we had a big catered meal in the school cafeteria.  They had fish w/a very spicy mixture to top it with, barbequed chicken, white rice, rice and beans, plantians, potato salad (not as good as your's Vi), curried chicken and a few other things.  The Church ladies took the desserts.  There was all kind of those sweets!!  Finally, it was time to come home.  I went into the kitchen to get some foil to cover the fish I was taking home for Dennis when I heard on of my friends say to someone else that she had another lady's dish that had cheesecake in it.  I looked and I about cried!!  When I made the cheesecake cupcakes for my breakfast this morning I had put the extra cheesecake in a Corningware dish and baked it.  We had taken a lot of food items for the breakfast to the cafeteria and put in the big cooler there.  When Dennis brought everything up this morning he left that cheesecake there knowing we didn't have room in our frig here in the house.  Here someone got it out for the big dinner this afternoon and they served our cheesecake.  I almost cried when I realized what they did!!  I still am in mourning over it :o(  I told Dennis that when we come to the States next week that I'll have to buy a Springform Pan and bake one!!  My heart sank to the floor over my devoured cheesecake as it's my very, very, very favorite dessert of all time!!  The phone started ringing this morning at 6:20 with the beginning of birthday wishes and they are continuing.  I love my family and love hearing from them.  So far, I've had a great birthday and the party is going to continue for about two more weeks!!  We leave here on Monday and fly to the States for almost two weeks.  We'll get to see Brett and his family and hopefully Brandon!!  I'm so excited.  Again, I am blessed and thankful!!


Vi said...

Beautiful ladies! I made potato salad this morning!Looks like a great time was had by all.

Dorcas said...

Yes, they are all very special to me! And for your potato salad.....I sure could eat some!!

Anonymous said...

SO COULD I, VI!!! Happy you had a good time with the ladies, Dorcas!!
Love You!

Dorcas said...

Yes, I think everyone enjoyed themselves!! It was nice to have those friends here for breakfast!!