Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year ~ 2013

  Can it be that we are starting another year???  It just doesn't seem possible!!  Yesterday, Dennis went to town for business and I asked him to stop at the grocery store to get a piece of pork and some sauerkraut for our traditional New Years Day dinner.  When he came home, he had got some extra meat and sauerkraut so we could have it for New Years Eve dinner and also today :o)  After enjoying a delicious late dinner we relaxed for a little while and at 10:30 we had a service at our Church which we had a really good turnout with a lot of visitors!!  We were very impressed.  Afterwards there were fireworks down at the West Bay dock and they were really good.  They had some new ones this year that shot up in the air, come down in the water and then light up and flash.  Pretty awesome!  We talked to quite a few friends while there and so we didn't get home probably until between 1 and 1:30.  I didn't go to bed until 3:00 am or a little later. 
~     ~     ~     ~     ~
Pork, sauerkraut and mashed potatoes
I made Chocolate Creme Brulee'
Another Yummy :o)
When I got up this morning, this is what I did ~
Made Dennis another Butterscotch Pie . . . . .
A Pumpkin Roll . . . . .
And last but not least a Pumpkin Custard!!
Yes, it's so much fun this time of the year eating all this delicious, rich, fattening food, but there comes a time when you have to take off that extra weight you've put on from the holidays:o)  Yes, that's our plans come January 14th.  We'll see!  I'm surely not looking forward to dieting again!!
 And yesterday I had a phone call from a young man asking me if I could wrap a gift for him.  This was the second time because he doesn't do such a good job he said :o)  My wrapping paper was put away, but I got it out again!
 How did you spend your New Years Day?


Jeanne said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR to our wonderful friends...

Dorcas said...

Thank you and we wish you and Joe a Happy/Healthy New Year!

Vi said...

HAPPY 2013! May the new year prove to be beter than previously!!!! Sorry this wish is late but I forgot to check your blog. SORRY!Always enjoy your pics!

Dorcas said...

Thank you and the same to you! Not sure how much I'll be on here anymore. For some reason right now I can't put any pictures on!