Sunday, July 15, 2012

Coming To Cincinnati

Well, I don't have any pictures from West Virginia this time!  Nothing much happened on our short stay there.  One evening, while I was sitting out on the porch talking on the phone a young doe and buck were out in the field performing for me!  They were so cute!!  When we left there early Saturday morning, it was very cloudy and rainy.  I asked Dennis if he thought there were any deer out and he didn't think they would be in that weather.  Just a few short minutes later, we passed two adorable little fawns along the road.  They were probably less than a month onld.  So cute!  We saw several more deer on our trip toward Cincinnati.  I also saw some turkeys way out in a field.  After several hours of driving we came into Kentucky!  That meant Cincinnati was so close!
There it is!!

Our destination was going to God's Bible School and College.
I was never on the campus before and lived only four hours from here previously!
We had a reason for coming here this time.
And here is the reason!  Our dear friend, Amit, is there!

Do you think he was excited about seeing us for the first time in 9 months???  He was running!!
Ahhh!!!  So good to see him again!
What a wonderful friend!!  A very good friend!!
Come back for lots more pictures!!


Vi said...

Amit looks good. Tell him hi. I see it didn't take too long to convert him into an "Ohioan"! lol!

Dorcas said...

I will tell him! He's with us now! Wait until I put the next batch of pictures on here :o))

Anonymous said...

It looks like you have a friend that you have really bonded with. Friends like that are hard to come by! The twins just got home from spending 2 weeks in Cinci. They were at the U of C Conservatory of Music taking a 2 week master class. They were able to connect with some of my friends in the area and really enjoyed it there. They are hoping to go there for their graduate work in another year. Doug

Dorcas said...

Wow!! Congrats to the girls and all the hard work they are doing to make that accomplishment. That is awesome!!

Yes, we are very close friends with him.