Monday, March 19, 2012

Sunday Dinner

Can you guess what I made for Sunday dinner??  No idea right??  :o)

After not having cabbage with potatoes and ham for several months I decided that would be our Sunday dinner when . . . . . 
I went to the grocery store on Saturday and saw they had cabbage on sale for $.29 per lb. and the ham slices were on sale for a little over $4.00.  After not having this for a long time it was delicious!!  This was a meal that we had several times (and I mean several) when we were dieting!!  It won't be long until we doing that again.


Dorcas said...

It was very good and there's enough left to warm up for another meal!

Vi said...

Looks scrumptious! Haven't had that for a long time. Can't have the ham for the salt.

Dorcas said...

Could you make that and not put in the ham? I know it's not the same, but we ate a lot of that w/o the ham. It's still better than the same old same old!! Can you have the cabbage?