Thursday, November 10, 2011

What A Special Veteran We Have

November 11, 2011
When we were out to visit Brett and his family this summer, the last morning with them, we went to McDonald's for breakfast on the base.  We were sitting there talking when Brett proceeded to tell us that he had just found out that morning that he passed his test and had become a Staff Sergeant!  We were so happy and excited for him.  He hadn't even told us that he had taken the test fearing what if he had failed it.  He didn't want to disappoint us!!  We are so proud of him and all he is accomplishing in his career in the United States Air Force.  Next, he went on to school and took a lot of classes.  Last Thursday evening, he graduated and Karissa was kind to take a few pictures and sent them on to us.
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The Program from Graduation 

The most handsome Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force
Look at all of those ribbons!  WoW!!
Brett, we are so proud of you!!
His Diploma 
Again Dad & I are so proud of you and what you are doing!!  Keep up the good work.  We can't wait to see and your family in a little over a week.  What a great Thanksgiving we'll have being you, your family and Brandon.  We love you!!
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The bravest man I know. Is a man I've never met. He's a man who risks his life To save a friend, Not only to save a friend, But to save a nation. Risking his life For those he does not know. Stepping up Leaving loved ones behind, So that somewhere, Someone else won't have to. He is a man who follows orders Even though he knows he might die. The bravest man I know. Is the man who would rather die, So one more person could go home To see his family again. The man who stares death in the face, But never blinks. The bravest man I know. Is the man who risks his life So one day the world may be a better place for his children. Or any man who goes against his biggest fear. DEATH Just to save someone he loves. The bravest man I know. Is the man who fights So another man can have the taste of sweet freedom. Not fighting only for his own benefit, But for many others all over the world, Fighting to make this world a better place. That's the bravest man I know.
- Amanda Whitney


Aunt Vi said...

CONGRATULATIONS BRETT! You make us all very proud!

Dorcas said...

Yes, he sure does!!

Jimm said...

We too, send a Hearty Congratulations to Staff Seargent McCoy and family for obtaining a new rank.
Outstanding, Soldier!! We're proud!
Love, Jimm & Cheryl

Dorcas said...

I will tell Brett to make sure he reads this post and comments!! Thanks!!