Saturday, November 19, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Can you believe that it's almost Thanksgiving??  Where has this year gone??  Then before you know it it will be Christmas.  I needed to update my blog, so today I sat down and took some time to do just that.
Tomorrow afternoon at 1:40 we leave to go to the States for almost two weeks of vacation time.  I'm so excited to go NORTH!!  Brett, Karissa, Caden and Jordan have been in West Virginia/Ohio for over a week.  Then on Thanksgiving day, Brandon will be coming down to visit, too!!  I can't wait to see everyone.  We were to go to Pennsylvania to visit my family, but now I don't know when I'll get up there as Brandon's time is limited to visit with us because of his job.  Hope something works out.  I can't believe it, but I'll be home in the States on Black Friday this year!!  YIPPEEEEEE!!  With all of that put aside, I've got so much to be thankful for!!!  My health is good, I've been blessed with a wonderful family and awesome friends, raised in a Christian home and have much more than I deserve.  God has and continues to be so good to me.  I hope you and your family have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!  When I get back home I will have lots of pictures to post, I'm sure.  Again, have a wonderful Thanksgiving and be thankful!!  And don't eat too much turkey :o)

Can It Really Be That Time

Yep!!  It's hard to believe, but it's going to be Christmas before we know it.  So, I pulled out my Christmas cards and got them all ready to send.  We are going up to the States and I want to have someone mail them up there for me in a few weeks.
P.S.  Christmas cards laying on a Fall themed tablecloth :o)

Full Moon

Some shots I got last week one night of the bright Full Moon!!  It continued to peak behind the clouds.

I used a different setting on this one below

Going to India For A Visit

If you follow my blog, you'll remember back sometime ago that I did a post about our friend Amit who left Grand Cayman Island.  He is now at home with his parents in India for a visit until the beginning of next year.  We've been able to hook up with him a few time by way of Skype!  It's so nice to see him.  He saw me get my camera and didn't want me to take a picture.  So, I just held it down where he couldn't see it.  He'd have my head on a dagger if he knew I did this :o)  This was last Sunday afternoon and it was really, really late over there.  We sure miss him.  He calls us usually about once a week.  What a special friend Amit is!  We love him!!

A Nice Dinner By the Sea

Recently a dear friend of our's from Church treated us to dinner.  We went to a place we've never been to before.  It was a rather nice cool day with a beautiful breeze blowing.  At one point, I think I even had goose~bumps :o)  Unusual for Grand Cayman!!

For those of you who have visited us, I think if you click on this picture you may be able to see Rum Point at the other end of the Island over to the right.  It takes a little while to get there by car, but if you got in one of these boats docked here you'd be there in a lot shorter time!!
Such a pretty view!
As the waiter seated us literally right by the Sea, he mentioned for us to look down at the fish.  They are tarpin and are really, really big.  Dennis thought them to weigh possibly 50 lbs.
Big, big, big!!
They are rather smart fish as they where swimming around there the entire time we were there.  I would, too, if someone fed me like the employees at the restaurant do :o)
It was such a nice afternoon spent with a wonderful friend and lady!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Delicious Chicken Enchiladas

Oh, my goodness!!  You talk about something good!?!?!?!?!  I had some boneless, skinless chicken breasts in my refrigerator that needed to be used.  So, I got thinking what I could make and went to the shelf where I keep my cookbooks.  I turned to the poultry section and started searching.  Being that yesterday was a holiday for us (Remebrance Day ~ similar to Veteran's Day) and since I wasn't in the office I had more time than usual to think about dinner.  My searching of recipes took me to Chicken Enchiladas.  I have had them several times and love them, but never took the time to make them as I thought they must be very hard and time consuming.  While scanning over the many recipes I thought this doesn't sound hard at all.  The only problem was that I didn't have the tortilla shells and a can of cream of celery soup that the recipe called for.  So, I jumped in the car and ran down to the grocery store and got what I needed.  Then I was ready to start!
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First, I cooked my chicken on the George Foreman Grill and left it cool; then shredded it.
Mixed the sauce part: cream of celery soup, cream of chicken soup and picante sauce; add the sour cream and gently stir in the chicken along with . . . . .
part of the shredded cheese. 
Get the tortilla shells ready to fill
Spoon the chicken and sauce mixture in the middle of the tortilla's; roll up and place in the backing dish.  Place in the oven.
And then indulge!!  Oh, my were they ever good!!
The recipe was really simple and maybe took me a total of 20 minutes or a little more to prepare plus the baking time.  I did change a few things as I went along.  Here is my recipe:
~     ~     ~     ~     ~
2 cups cooked, shredded chicken
8 oz. sour cream
10 burrito shells ~ I was only able to fit 8 in the baking dish ~ I probably filled them to full :o)
16 oz. shredded Cheddar cheese ~ I did NOT use 1 lb. of cheese.  Only about half of that!

1 can cream of celery soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 (8 oz) jar picante sauce ~ I used salsa as I had a lot of that on hand
1 (4 oz) jar green chiles ~ I didn't use this as Dennis wouldn't have liked it :o)

Mix sauce ingredients together & heat.  (I did it in the microwave).  Add the chicken, sour cream and part of the cheese to the sauce mixture and stir gently.  Spoon the mixture down the center of the tortilla shells; roll up and place in baking dish.  After preparing the enchiladas, thin remaining sauce with milk and pour over rolled enchiladas.  Sprinkle with remainder of cheese.  Bake at 350 for 25 minutes.  Serve topped with sour cream, if desired.

I'm sure you'll love these delicious, deletable Chicken Enchiladas!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What A Special Veteran We Have

November 11, 2011
When we were out to visit Brett and his family this summer, the last morning with them, we went to McDonald's for breakfast on the base.  We were sitting there talking when Brett proceeded to tell us that he had just found out that morning that he passed his test and had become a Staff Sergeant!  We were so happy and excited for him.  He hadn't even told us that he had taken the test fearing what if he had failed it.  He didn't want to disappoint us!!  We are so proud of him and all he is accomplishing in his career in the United States Air Force.  Next, he went on to school and took a lot of classes.  Last Thursday evening, he graduated and Karissa was kind to take a few pictures and sent them on to us.
~     ~     ~     ~     ~
The Program from Graduation 

The most handsome Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force
Look at all of those ribbons!  WoW!!
Brett, we are so proud of you!!
His Diploma 
Again Dad & I are so proud of you and what you are doing!!  Keep up the good work.  We can't wait to see and your family in a little over a week.  What a great Thanksgiving we'll have being you, your family and Brandon.  We love you!!
~     ~     ~     ~     ~
The bravest man I know. Is a man I've never met. He's a man who risks his life To save a friend, Not only to save a friend, But to save a nation. Risking his life For those he does not know. Stepping up Leaving loved ones behind, So that somewhere, Someone else won't have to. He is a man who follows orders Even though he knows he might die. The bravest man I know. Is the man who would rather die, So one more person could go home To see his family again. The man who stares death in the face, But never blinks. The bravest man I know. Is the man who risks his life So one day the world may be a better place for his children. Or any man who goes against his biggest fear. DEATH Just to save someone he loves. The bravest man I know. Is the man who fights So another man can have the taste of sweet freedom. Not fighting only for his own benefit, But for many others all over the world, Fighting to make this world a better place. That's the bravest man I know.
- Amanda Whitney

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I Made the Newspaper

Someone that I live with :o) gets interviewed on TV and the radio.  But I recently was interviewed for the newspaper.  I felt it was honor to be one of three Pastor's Wives who they called for this opportunity!  Here in the online article you'll see that they put one of the other Pastor wives names under the picture.  But this morning one of our student's brought in the little newspaper that is published on the weekend's here in Grand Cayman and they got my name right in there!  So, I'm sharing my claim to fame and just thought you might like to read the article!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Harvest Sunday

Today, November 6th, is Harvest Sunday at our Church
 Late yesterday afternoon several people came to decorate the Church inside and out for this special service!  Here they used palm tree branches.
 What a 'lil cutie!  She's here visiting her Grandparents, Auntie's & Uncle's.  She and her Mommy fly back to Cincinnati tomorrow.  There will be some sad family members :o(
Palm branches arched over the back pews
Taken from the balcony 
Fruit/veggies in front of the pulpit
In the right corner is sugar cane 

There were several tables set up in the front of the Sanctuary. . . . .
because the Congregation is supposed to bring in baskets of food which is then divided up for the elderly.  Here some of the younger kids were bringing in their baskets.
Some of the baskets that have arrived 
Three girls were playing the offertory here but you can't see them too good because of the jungle :o)  The Dept. of Agriculture always gives potted plants/trees to the Church to use for decoration.
The children sang for us . . . . .
and some of them gave recitations.
And our wonderful I.T. man sang a beautiful solo 
It was an awesome service of Thanksgiving!!

Time To Weigh In

I can't believe I was doing it wrong all these years.


Thanks to my brother, Jim, I now know how to check my weight!!  He sent me an email alerting me to my huge mistake :o)
Thanks bro!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

At the Airport Plus

The day started out good!  When we got up, it once again was dark outside.  When I'm at home I almost always get up early but that is usually before 5:30 am (most times).  It's really disgusting, because I don't have to set an alarm clock at home ~ I just wake up super, duper early!  But it's been really nice getting to sleep a little later and receiving a wake~up call from the front desk of the hotel :o)  I told Dennis that I wasn't going to breakfast this morning (that was compliments of the hotel) as when we were shopping last evening I bought two chocolate covered long~john doughnuts with pudding filling.  So, that was going to be my breakfast along with some juice as I finished the last minute packing.  Most everything was carefully packed in my two suitcases last night while Dennis also packed his two.  Finally, he came back from eating his breakfast and brought one of the big luggage mover carts :o) back with him.  Our School Principal had several boxes of books sent to the hotel which we also had to take to the airport to send home on our plane.  We loaded everything on the cart and off we went to the lobby.  The guys got our three rental mini vans and began packing in all the luggage!  Yes, there was quite a bit more luggage going back to Cayman that was full to the brim and some over~running.  When you travel like we do and live on an Island and can't shop much, you learn to pack extra suitcases inside each other to fill up for your return.  And fill~up, some did!!
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Here everyone was watching as Jim was weighing luggage with a nifty little scale they had bought previously! 
Of course, both of our BIG suitcases were overweight ~ mine by less than two pounds and Dennis' by 10 pounds as he had school supplies in it.  So, we shuffled stuff around as not to pay the extra fees! 
By now, the three guys were back from returning the rental vans and off we went to check~in!  There was still some fanaggiling around because we had the extra two boxes to take back and the lady at the counter didn't want us to have to pay extra for them.  She was so helpful!  It was worked out and some of the Staff were able to have them put under their names for no charge which we were glad!!  From the ticket counter of course, we proceeded to security to have our carry~on bags and US put through the screening and xray machines.  Everyone got through them okay, BUT when our carry~on's came down the belt one of the worker's asked who "this" bag belonged to.  It happened to be Dennis'!  They told him to come with them to the side.  So, off we went.  Ugghhhh!!  Now what?!?!?  Well, what had started out to be a good day was now starting going down hill slowly.  The lady told Dennis that he would not be able to take (in the below picture) in his carry~on. 
He told them he wasn't being smart, but wanted to know what their reason was. She got her supervisor who was a very nice, quiet reserved type man. He said because they don't know what is inside of this. Give me a break!  So, he took it and walked off.  We were both very disgusted!!  All because they don't know what is inside of the dumbbell?  As if they can tell what's in everything that goes through the xray machine???  While walking off, I said to the supervisor guy, "Is someone going to take that home with them?"  Of course, he said no!  No need to cry over spilled milk, so off we went to our gate to meet up with our group to wait to board our plane.  After meeting up with everyone we found a seat and sat down chatting with everyone.  In just a few short minutes, we had walked up to the desk.  You see, we didn't have assigned seating on the plane and we were told to check with the people at the desk at our gate when we got there.  Just as soon as we got up there, one of the two ladies started making an announcement.  The jest of it was that they had overbooked and needed three people who didn't have plans and could fly to Cayman later today or tomorrow.  Dennis immediately said we'll take it!!  They took our information and told us to have a seat until the passengers were all boarded to see if there were any seats still empty!  One of our teachers had also got on the list along with us.  The minutes ticked by and by!!  Finally, the passengers were boarding by their assigned zones.  We sat and kept on edge wondering and saying to each other if we'd end up flying home today or staying in Charlotte for another night.  The list of those boarding was getting shorter and shorter.  Then there was nobody left in the line.  Oh, no!!  What were we going to hear now?  Our friend, Ron, the teacher got called up.  He came back and much to his dismay ended up getting on the plane to go home!  He was very disappointed to say the least!!  Several minutes later, we were called up in fear and trembling! haha!!
To say the least, our day just got better and better and better!!!!!  We ended up staying here in Charlotte while our group went on home to Cayman.  Some of them were disappointed that we didn't go with them, but we were ecstatic and sooooooooooo happy.  Another day in the States!!  The airlines wrote us two checks each for $900.00 each for flights in the future, $25.00 in food vouchers and in another of the nicest hotels in the Charlotte area ~ the Renaissance.  Oh, my goodness, is it nice!!
Big and roomy 
For lunch, we went downstairs to the dining room for lunch as we both were very hungry.  They had a delicious buffet which was only $12.00 and it included your drink and dessert! 
Then we lounged around and both took a nap!  ZZZzzzzzzzzz!! 
Then just did nothing. . . . .  
and did some more nothing. . . . .  
Then we got a call on Skype from our friend Amit who is in India. . . . .
and now we're waiting for a light dinner to be served to us in our room!  How is that for having reservations on an overbooked flight?  We're living it up tonight. 
Our flight leaves around 9:30 tomorrow morning, so we leave the hotel here around 7:30!  Then to top it off, the ladies gave us first class seats on the flight!!  WOW!!  We are feeling like a King and Queen !  (And by the way, our Bistro New York Strip Dip Sandwiches w/fries was delicious!)
So, we'll see if we make it to Cayman tomorrow or not! hehe!!  No, tomorrow we have to go home for Dennis to speak at Church on Sunday.  Until later ~ tada!!