Thursday, October 13, 2011

Just Plain Down Right Busy

Busy, busy, busy!!  Yes, I've been busy!!  I was busy preparing for company.  Doing baking, cooking, cleaning, lots of ironing, etc.  Then on Saturday they arrived ~ Butch and Arlene from Florida.  For going on the past 10 years or so, they've been coming to Grand Cayman doing Marriage Seminars.  This year Dennis wanted to change it to a Family Seminar.  How appropriate it was for all the horrible things that have been happening here on the Island.  I worked each day in the office, entertained our company, cooked and had company over several nights after the seminar sessions.  It has been a very busy time for me!!  Today, our friends went back to Florida. 
If you click on the link below, you will be able to see the spot on Daybreak where Dennis and Butch were interviewed on TV for the seminar.  Dennis was live on the radio two different times as well talking about it.  Last evening, another guy came from a TV station and interviewed Dennis before the session started and then later went into the Sanctuary and taped part of the time when Butch was speaking.  It is to air on TV here sometime soon.
On Sunday afternoon we had another funeral for a lady from our Church who passed away.  The Church was pretty full.  She was 79 years old and had been sick most of the time since we moved here.  About an hour ago, the phone rang as I was working in the kitchen after dinner and a lady was crying.  She asked for Dennis.  Another one of the elderly ladies just passed away!  She's been in a coma for several years.  I think Dennis could publish a book of sermons for funerals!  Not sure how many this will make since we've moved here, but a lot!!

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