Thursday, September 22, 2011

Happening Outside Now

There's a storm blowing through right now.
When I looked outside I had to get my camera to take some pictures of the sky.
A ship leaving port
And these "crazies" were on the roof of the Church even in the storm :o)  I like how it looks the one is checking out what's going on over the peak!


Jimm said...

Hope those dark clouds left soon. Looks nasty! And those crazy critters-----Keep em! Love

Dorcas said...

Those clouds can look pretty nasty sometimes!! It may have lingered for 30 or 45 minutes and then moved on. Too bad it can't move the crazies on with it :o)

Vi said...

MEMORIES! Wish I was there. Teresa said they got their passports today.

Dorcas said...

Come on down, sister!!