Friday, August 26, 2011

United States Air Force Museum Dayton Ohio

When we left youth camp this summer, we went with our group to the National museum of United States Air Force.  It was huge and very interesting!!

There were a lot of airplanes that have been used by the Air Force . . . . .
and helicopters . . . . .  

and weapons . . . . .
and different scenes like this.  If you click on the picture below, you may be able to see that the Airman on the left is holding a LARGE Hershey's chocolate bar :o) 

And they also had a U.S. Army plane

Saw many old war posters 
In the lobby of the museum was this huge, beautiful quilt made for the U.S. Air Force.  It was really, really big!!  So pretty!! 
Dennis with some of our good friends
Not sure why this picture wants to turn, but anyway the Thunderbirds were going to be there the next two days after we visited the museum.  I don't know if you've ever had the privilege of going to an airshow where they performed, but they can take away your breath while watching them!!  Was so sorry we couldn't stay to see them.
Getting the airfield ready for the airshow 


Vi said...

Thanks for the pics.Love this blog. I can vacation without ever leaving my chair. THANK YOU!!!!

Dorcas said...

You're welcome, sister!! You are tooooooooooooooooooo funny!! Love you!