Friday, July 1, 2011

Where Did the Week Go?

Here it is Friday night and my last post was on Tuesday!  Where did the week go????????  It's been another crazy, mixed up week :o)  There were good times and then a very, very sad time.  On Sunday afternoon, we got a phone call for Dennis to go to the hospital ASAP.  An 18 year old boy from our area was in a terrible accident in the morning and passed away late afternoon when they took him to have a CAT Scan.  He had horrible internal injuries and his neck was broken.  He happened to be on a motorcycle!  The family asked Dennis to have the funeral.  Well, he had found out that he needed to go to Antigua for a meeting with our Church's Conference leaders.  To get there he had to leave here Thursday by way of spending the night in Miami as there's no direct flights there from Cayman.  Then he was to leave early this morning and go to San Juan, Puerto Rico and then on to Antigua.  To come back to Cayman all of the above was just reversed and he would come home late Sunday afternoon which meant that he wouldn't be here to do the funeral.  I was disappointed by that as this young man had just started coming to our Church off and on.  Yesterday, I took Dennis to the airport and dropped him off.  His flight was scheduled to leave at 4:10 pm.  At 3:55 the phone rang and it was him calling to tell me to come back to the airport to pick him up that his flight was cancelled due to horrible weather in Miami!!  He said there were a lot of very unhappy people at the airport.  He wasn't real disappointed that he didn't go on his planned trip!  So, he's home with me this weekend after all.  Since all of my project's that I worked on this week I had to put the rest of them on hold for now.  On Wednesday, I spent 6 long hours in the school library trying to get it ready for the upcoming school year in August.  Someone else started the job and didn't get it completed.  Unfortunately, that teacher won't be back next year to do so.  Last evening, I started cleaning my house as we have company coming on Monday.  Our house has 10 rooms and a foyer which all have ceramic tile floors.  When I wash them I also have to take an older towel to dry them or they would streak horribly!!  So, I've been doing my regular cleaning plus washing windows and doing the floors which is a killer!!!!  Tomorrow, I need to go get groceries early in the morning, finish cleaning our bedroom, clean our bathroom and mop those floors along with the hall.  I think the floors are multiplying and the rooms are getting larger :o)  Tomorrow is the funeral with the viewing starting at 2:00!  I have to play the piano for it.  I'm sure it will be a large funeral and pretty long, too.  So, it's going to be another long day, but I'm hoping to get my cleaning out of the way in the morning along with the grocery shopping!  The bright spot today was when these Little Cuties called us ~
Caden was in rare form :o)  And Jordan was trying to talk to us!!  Can't wait because a little over a week I'll be seeing them again.  Exciting, exciting, exciting!!  Hope all of you in the US have a wonderful long holiday weekend.  It's a holiday here, too, on the 4th.  It's our Constitution Day, but I'll be busy getting company!  I was listening to the radio while making dinner tonight and they had a program online playing a special July 4th segment.  They played the Star Spangled Banner and I got teary eyed as I sang along.  Some days I get really homesick :o)  I told Dennis that we need to make dinner on the grill Monday.  Some of the teachers have a grill and said we could use it anytime!  We'll have to see about that!!  Love to all!! 


Jeanne said...

have a great 4th of July!
The boys are so cute. Jordan is really growing.

Dorcas said...

Only 8 days until we go to Tampa to visit with them! Can't wait!!