Thursday, June 9, 2011

The 'Ole Home Place

This is the farm where I grew up.
 Things sure have changed since back then, but, oh, the memories from the home place!!  A few years ago, my brother Jim and I stopped here (not sure if my sister Vi was with us or not).  Now an Amish family lives there and she so kindly showed us through the downstairs of the home.  Wow!!  What a change and it's so beautiful!!  Since I was out that way the last time they've torn down Daddy's big old barn.  It looks sort of bare :o)
 This is another farm down in the little valley from the old homestead.  There's an Amish family that's lived there for years and years.  Their kids were younger than me by a few years and I still have contact with them.  I like to go visit them when I can and am in Lancaster County.  They are wonderful friends!!


Vi said...

M E M O R I E S!!!!

Dorcas said...

I wish I would've got a picture directly toward the front of the house!

Jeanne said...

I haven't been able to go back home since Mom's funeral. I just can't make myself do it.
I'm glad you had a nice time with your family...

Dorcas said...

It's so hard, but I think that it's therapy for me. And I always have to go to the cemetery!! Weird? Maybe, but it helps me although at the time it is so extremely hard!! I love my family!!