Monday, June 27, 2011

Finished Project

Several months ago, we bought a new shower curtain for our bathroom.  The one that was here when we moved in was in pretty shabby condition.  I also bought one for our guest bathroom to replace the one in there.  After we left the store I mentioned to Dennis that I would like to go back and buy two more to match the one's we'd all ready bought to make matching curtains for the windows.  Like I said previously that usually during the school year I just don't have a lot of energy left when I come home from working in the office at the end of the day.  I started this project last week but never got around to completeing it until today.
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Pinning and ironing 
The window curtain I made matches my shower curtain.  I have a little bit of fabric left and am wondering what else I could do with it. 
I decided that with the curtains just hanging down that it was too dark in the bathroom.  So, I made some tiebacks and that let's the sunshine in.  I almost didn't make the tiebacks because it's been years since I made button holes.  So, I grabbed an old tee shirt and practiced on it.  They turned out perfect (or nearly!)  :o) 
Do you like them hanging or with the tiebacks better?
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Now on to another project.  Not sure when I'll get it completed, but I don't have lots of time left.  We have company arriving one week from today to do our Vacation Bible School and then two weeks from today we leave for the States and will be gone almost 4 weeks.  So,  I'm trying to stay busy and get some major projects done that I've been putting off!   When we got home I'll be starting to get very busy over in my office preparing for the new school year.


Vi said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! I like them tied back. Here's an idea for the leftover remnant - Toilet seat cover! Martha Stewart, you sure do have the talent!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dorcas said...

Vi aka Martha's Sister.....
Step up to the plate and start your handy works. Quite hiding your talents!!! I don't think I have enough to make a toilet seat cover because of the way the print runs on the fabric :o( I'll have to check that out to be sure. Good thought!!

Jimm said...

Tied back, too. You could get a smaller toilet!

Dorcas said...

You are tooooo much, big bro!! Love you anyway :o)

Jeanne said...

they are so pretty..I like them tied back too. You did some really cool things...

Dorcas said...

Thank you!