Friday, April 8, 2011

Good Food and Weight Loss

Oh, my!!  It's time for confession :o)  This is what I had for lunch today.  Let me rephrase that sentence ~ I had maybe only half of this delicious food for my lunch today.  I plan to finish it up tomorrow.  It was REAL food!!  One of the boys in our High School who is a senior did a fundraiser today and sold homemade dinners.  I picked the chicken and pasta.  It had melted mozarella cheese on it along with two piece of thick toasted bread laden with butter!!  Now, you know why I said I had to confess, but I'm not ashamed.  I've eaten so much salad and veggies that I think I should be hopping around on four legs instead of walking on two and maybe have two long pointed ears along with a fluffly little cotton~like tail.  Let me say that it was soooooo good and I don't feel one bit guilty for eating it!!
 When I got dressed this morning, the skirt I put on fell down around my hips!!  Oh, no!!  Couldn't wear it like that!  So, I went on the hunt of a large safety pin to solve my problem :o)  This is how big my skirt was on me.  Just thought I'd share the progress.  I haven't got on the scale for a while.  Maybe this weekend, but then on second thought, after eating the good lunch I had today I think I'll go out and walk for at least two hours after sunset to try to get rid of some of the calories I consumed a few hours ago!!


Jimm said...

Gonna have to go jello shopping. And send excess material here till jello is effective. No jello today. Cameron's BD party later. LOL

Dorcas said...

Haha!! Oh, the love for Jello :o)) I hope Mr. Cameron has a great birthday party today!!
Love you, too!!