This past week has been just that ~ a busy and sad time!! Dennis more less laid pretty low after coming home from the hospital on Wednesday afternoon trying to recover from his surgery Tuesday. That of course, was also the day our Premier and his wife's daughter passed away. I went back to work on Thursday, but every hour or so came over to the house to check on Dennis. I didn't like the idea of him being home by himself, but since work is very close to our home (right next door) it was very convenient for me. And Friday was another crazy day!! It's nearing the end of the month which means School Fee's are due, so that along with the normal everyday work kept things hoping. I left work around 11:30 to get lunch and come home to eat with Dennis. I ran back to the office to work a short time until he was ready to go to the Premier's home to visit them. It was so sad!! We only stayed 30 ~ 45 minutes and came home. I went back to work for another short while, because Dennis had an appointment with the surgeon and he wanted me to go with him. Thankfully he got a very good report!! On the way home, we stopped for a very quick dinner as it seemed I just couldn't get caught up in my office. I ended up staying over there until after midnight and much to my happiness my work is caught up until it starts all over tomorrow :o)
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When I went to work on Thursday, I kept hearing some major noise outside and just quite couldn't figure out what it was. On one of my trips into Dennis' office, I looked out the window to this . . . . . .
There were two big tractors over in the fields next to our Church's property and they were mowing. Here they used those fields for parking at the funeral yesterday.
Then another time when I looked outside this was what I saw. This is where we are getting ready to build our new Family Life Center and the guys were here leveling the fill that had been dumped in there. Again, they used this area for parking as well!
Our groundbreaking is going to be in just a few weeks! Getting excited!!
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When we awoke Saturday morning, it was rather gray and cloudy. I said to Dennis I hoped it was going to rain as this was the day of the funeral. So much preparation and many hours of work went into getting ready for this service. Many people were coming and so much was done! On Thursday evening after dark a rental company came and set up a 40' x 80' tent. They didn't leave until around 12:30am!! Then on Friday after school was out they came back to put up another tent. Two men came and put up large TVs in the front of each tent with several 22" TVs around the sides for those sitting out there to be able to see the service. Both tents were filled to capacity as well as the Church! 
Our Church holds 550 people, but yesterday there was probably at least 800 people seated inside. There were chairs everywhere just about imaginable! And flowers ~ oh, I don't think I ever saw that many beautiful bouquets. In fact, the two biggest one's are still in the Sanctuary and if I don't forget I want to take my camera and take some pictures of them. It was a sad, sad day!! Of course, every government official thinkable was at the service. Some of them we've met and many we have not. There were dignitaries here from other countries as well. To get to the cemetery was a nightmare! The road here in front of the Church was very, very congested with cars parked on both sides making it nearly impossible to drive when there were other cars coming toward you! They had police everywhere but with all the traffic you could barely go anywhere. We were first in line and following the police car. He had to get in the opposite lane because traffic just came to a stand still. When we got to the cemetery there were so many people there (probably about 500 ~ 600) that I couldn't get anywhere near the grave site. But Dennis was telling me later that when the casket began to be lowered into the ground, poor McKeeva just fell on his hands and knees to touch it! I'm glad I didn't see that. His dear wife nearly fainted! Every time I looked at them during the service I think I cried!! BUT he was in Church this morning and led the singing. He said he just couldn't stay home! I think it was theraputic for him to be there. If you think of them anytime in the future, please say a word of pray for them that God will comfort their hearts. They are wonderful people and I hate seeing them hurt so badly!!
So sorry to read about your new! we will be praying for you all!
Yes, it was a very sad time!
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Premier and his family.
You all know what they are going through!! It's just so sad. Love you!!
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