Sunday, May 23, 2010

We Heard From Brett

Last evening, our Vonage phone rang and I went to answer it. It rang two times and went directly to the answering machine for some reason. I was sooo disappointed when I saw it was Brett calling us and I missed it. So, immediately I tried to call him back. Needless to say, I was very excited when I heard his voice!! He's doing well and left Washington on Friday evening and was still in San Antonio, Texas. The group went to the base there for lodging but there was none available. They ended up downtown San Antonio to get a hotel and it was right on the River Walk where they were staying!! I don't know if you've ever had the privilege of visiting the River Walk there in San Antonio, but it is a beautiful place!! We took a boat tour while we were down there for Brett's graduation a little over five years ago. I'm sure that Brett and the other guys were happy to be staying at such a nice place after their week in training!! He continued to tell us about the training and thankfully it wasn't as bad as it could've been. With them getting ready to be deployed, thankfully Brett and his guys weren't allowed to have any bones broken. From what I understand it was very intense training and a lot of classroom work. I'm so glad that is behind him and over. Now he'll being going to Fort Dix in the middle of August, at least that's the rumor they've been hearing. If it's like the other times he's been deployed, they keep moving the date up. I hope and pray that doesn't happen this time with the birth of the new baby getting closer!! Anyway, Brett and his friends were heading home to Tampa this morning. I'm sure that the "Little Man" sure will be happy to have his Daddy home as well as Karissa!! Caden didn't talk much to Brett on the phone while he was gone. For some reason, he just doesn't care to talk on it. Thank you all who prayed for Brett's safety while he was in training. God heard your prayers!!!
Meanwhile while the training was going on in Washington, there was a shooting in Tampa at MacDill Air Force Base. If you go here, you can read about it. It's pretty sad. If Brett would have been there he possibly could have been involved, because it was his flight that was working when this happened.
Thanks again for your prayers. Please continue to remember Brett and the others who will be deployed with him. Where he's going in Afghanistan is where the horrible fighting is going on right now. Just yesterday there was a bad gunfight there!! I dread this soooooo bad!!


Vi said...

So thankful you finally heard from Brett. Thank the Lord for answered prayers!!!. I read about the McDill incident, but didn't want to tell you & upset you! You have enough on your plate!!!Continued prayers for his next duty!! Give our love to all.

Dorcas said...

Yes, I believe that God had His hand in Brett's training!! It could've been a lot, lot worse for him!! And it's sad about the shooting on his base there in Tampa!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you finally heard from Brett. Hopefully he's safe @ home w/his family by now.

Love, Charlotte

Dorcas said...

Yes, he is home!! I called him last night and he made it home okay. Hopefully we'll get to talk to them on the webcam later. Caden was in bed sleeping when I called last night :o((