Friday, May 7, 2010

A Twist In the Road Of Life

Life is good when everything is going well, isn't it? You look forward to each new day to see what it has in store for you! BUT then comes those things that you definitely weren't expecting or wanting to hear or see. Last evening was our night to go out to dinner with our school staff. We all laughed and had a great time as we enjoyed our delicious food! When we got home I checked our phone and saw that we had a missed call from Brett and Karissa. We also missed a call from them on Wednesday night, but I didn't call them back after our school's Spring concert as I thought they may be in bed since there's an hours difference in the time. But last evening it was still very early and we hadn't talked to them since Saturday. I picked up the phone and dialed their number and Brett answered. I wanted to see them and talk to all of them, but Caden especially usually enjoys talking to us on the webcam. So, I told them I'd call them back and we'd talk over the Internet. We got to talk to them probably 20 minutes when Dennis had to leave, but we continued our conversation and Caden continued to perform for his Grammy! (smiling here :o) After a little while Brett asked when his Dad would be back home as he needed to talk to both of us. I said he wouldn't be home for probably an hour to an hour and a half. That would take it close to when Brett would be going to bed as he gets up way before the sun comes up to go to work. I said if it wasn't too late I'd have Dennis call him when he got back here. We continued to talk a little bit and it seemed there was some hesitation. Brett said he thought Dennis would want to know what he was about to tell me but was afraid Dennis would get upset. So, finally he told me. Unfortunately, he's getting deployed again this being the third time. He's going back to Afghanistan near Kandahar. I know that it's a horrible place to be right now with the war going on. A close friend of our's son just returned from near that same area and I've heard some horrible stories. My heart just aches and my stomach has just been turned inside out, if you know what I mean! I woke up several times during the night and it seemed that was the very first thing that popped into my mind even in the wee hours of the night!! It's horrible!! Not only am I concerned for Brett's safety which is the #1 thing, but my mind started racing immediately after he told me. He will hopefully still be home here in the States when their baby is born which unfortunately he missed Caden's birth, he may miss Caden's birthday because of training, he won't be home for Karissa's birthday, he will miss Christmas, he'll be gone for his birthday and the list goes on and on! I'm sorry, but I HATE war and how it affects lives and families!!! I can't describe how I'm feeling right now about the whole situation! It just doesn't seem fair, but then who said life is fair. BUT I'm so glad I have a very close Friend who has helped me in the past to deal with this and will once again help me, but will also mainly be with Brett, Karissa, Caden, the new baby, Dennis, Brandon and I!! It's a long, hard, rough place we'll be going through again, but God will get us all through this twist in the road of life! Please pray for all of us, but especially Brett!! He has to go to the State of Washington for some very intense nasty training for several days and then later he goes to New Jersey for a longer period of training before leaving in a few short months. I know we'll appreciate any prayers you pray on behalf of our family!! A special thanks to each of you!!


Vi said...

Hi Dorcas. So sorry to hear of Brett's deployment. Some don't go once let alone 3 times. I've been telling my friends today to pray for this situation. You're in my thoughts & prayers!

Dorcas said...

Thanks so much for asking for prayer for all of us. We need it very much right now!!
Love you!!

kmargo said...

I am so sorry about this. We will be praying for all of you. Love you dearly.

Dorcas said...

Thank you much!! Love you, too!

Anonymous said...

My know my number! My stomach hurts for you! God, prayers, family, and friends will help you get through this. Love you!

Dorcas said...

You've been there and know all about it don't you??? No fun, that's for sure!! Love you, too!!