Monday, March 1, 2010

My Little Man Melts His Grammy's Heart

When I got home from Church last evening, I saw there was a message on our Vonage Phone. So, being interested in who was calling us, I checked it! This was the essence of the message:

"Where are you?"
"Call later!"

My heart swelled up and at the same time just melted to pieces missing my Little Man! I tried to get him on the webcam but it failed. So, I turned to the phone and called him to find out he was so tired that he fell asleep waiting for this Grammy to return his call. I can't wait to talk to him in just a little while!! I love you, Caden Andrew and miss you sooooo much!! Grammy is going to start counting the days until I see you. It won't be long now until we come to Tampa!!


Jeanne said...

what a nice picture of Caden..
He sure is a cutie...

Dorcas said...

They were taken when we stopped at Tampa on our way down here :o)