This past Monday was a National holiday here on Cayman Islands. It was "National Heroes Day ~ Honouring Our Christian Heritage!" But on our way to the celebration/ceremony in downtown Georgetown, I, of course spotted the lone cruise ship that was in harbor. These mammoth ships just mesmerize me!!

The huge banner on the side of a building! We sat under a tent/canopy and were a distance away from the main stage thus the poles, etc. in the picture.

I zoomed in on the cruise ship when I looked and saw it peering in on the celebration :o)

This was part of the Children's Choir which sang. There were several schools represented as well as ours!

The color guard which were the Detachment of the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service

A Detachment of the Fire Service ~ aka the firefighters

A Detachment of the Prison Service

A Detachment of the Cadet Corps

The new Governor from England inspecting those who were in the parade

The Governor approaching the main stage

Mr. Rudy Myles singing the National Anthem
"God save our gracious Queen,
Long live our noble Queen,
God save the Queen:
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us:
God save the Queen."

The Children's Choir singing "The National Song". It's too long to put on here now.

GREAT Honorable Premier, Mr. W. McKeeva Bush, OBE, JP, Hon. MSc.

The Prison Service again marching

Not sure which group this is. Look at the palm trees how they wrap them. They were beautiful!

The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service

The Detachment of the Fire Service

There were several Scout groups there and also Cadet Corps. Again, not sure who these are.

Honourable Deputy Premier, Ms. Juliana O'Connor-Connolly, JP. She's the Premier's Assistant!

"His Excellency the Governor, Mr. Duncan Taylor, CBE" giving his speech.

They had a huge Mass Choir that comprised of a lot of the local Churches. We had several from our Church who joined in the singing. The two songs they sang were "A Mighty Fortress" and "The Church's One Foundation." Near the end they sang a medley of choruses. It's just amazing to now live in country were they openly and publicly speak about God and even say His Name and pray in His Name!!!

Our beautiful Caymanian flag flying in the breeze!!

The man between the Premier and Governor whose name is Ed is from our Church. He was honored for his Christian leadership and civic duties. He helped found Cayman Youth for Christ and has served as Executive Director for 27 years!!

The lady in the pink color suit is the Premier's wife, Kerry. She was laying a wreath at one of the statues there at Heroes Square.
For some reason, I can't get this picture to move down. After we came home from the National Heroes Day Celebration we had a houseful of company for dinner. The gentleman a the end of the table is our good friend, Rev. Christi, who flew in from Antigua for Dennis' Installation Service on Sunday, on the right next to him are our wonderful friends The Case's. And, yes, he is a case!!! It was her birthday that's why we had a big dinner. Next to them is their daughter~in~law and son, then Dennis who looks like he's about to fall out of his chair (haha!). On the other side of the table are the Case's grandson and granddaughter. Last is Rev. Case's sister and her husband. We had a great evening together!!